Abgoosht (Dizi):1 of the 5 Iranian dishes that are like rocket fuel.


Abgoosht: A Traditional and Delicious Dish

Abgoosht or Dizi is one of the traditional and popular dishes of Iranians that is made from lamb meat, beans, potatoes, onions and special spices. This dish can be eaten with Taftoon or Sangak bread. Abgoosht is a warm and high-energy dish that is beneficial for colds, rheumatism and anemia. This dish can be eaten in cold seasons or rainy days. Abgoosht is a friendly and intimate dish that can be enjoyed with family or friends.

Introduction to Abgoosht

Abgoosht is one of the oldest Iranian dishes that has its roots in the Sassanid era. Some sources say that this dish started from the Parthian Empire. The name Abgoosht is formed from the words Ab (water) and Goosht (meat). This dish was originally made with beef or camel meat, but later it was replaced with lamb meat. This food is served with different tastes and colors in each region of Iran.

For example, in Tabriz, this food is made with beef and wheat and eaten with Sangak bread. In Kermanshah, this food is made with lamb meat, barley and beans and eaten with Taftoon bread. In Yazd, this food is made with lamb meat, rice and barberry and eaten with Sangak bread.

This food is a healthy and nutritious dish that is made from natural and simple ingredients. Lamb meat is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B12. Beans are a good source of fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamin C.

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin Cpotassi ,,,m and magnesium. Onions are agood sourcee off flavonoidd antioxidant ,s and natural antibiotics. The special spices of Abgoosht such as turmeric, pepper, salt, and saffron also improve the taste and color of Abgoosht and have therapeutic properties.

Important Tips for Eating Abgoosht

To eat this food, first pour its water into a bowl and flavor it with tomato paste, vinegar, yogurt or lemon juice. Then chop the meat and vegetables with a hammer or a meat masher and eat them with bread. For eating this food, you should remember some tips:

  • Always eat this food hot. Cold this food is not tasty and may cause indigestion.
  • Eat this food with fresh and soft bread. Dry and hard bread makes this food less absorbed and increases mouth sensitivity.
  • Flavor this food with yogurt or lemon juice. These substances make this food sweeter and sourer and strengthen the stomach.
  • Eat this food with green herbs such as basil, cilantro, parsley or mint. These herbs make this food more fragrant and delicious and improve digestion.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How to eat this food? To eat this food, you need to separate its water and solid parts. First, pour the water into a bowl and flavor it with tomato paste, vinegar, yogurt or lemon juice. This is called Abgoosht-e Goosht (meat broth). Then, chop the meat and vegetables with a hammer or a meat masher and eat them with bread. This is called Goosht-e Koobideh (mashed meat). You can also eat this food with green herbs such as basil, cilantro, parsley or mint.
  • What are the benefits of this food? this food is a healthy and nutritious dish that has many benefits for your body. It is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, carbohydrates, magnesium, flavonoids, antioxidants and natural antibiotics. It can help you with colds, rheumatism, anemia, digestion and stomach problems.
  • What are the variations of this food? this food has different variations in different regions of Iran. For example, in Tabriz, this food is made with beef and wheat and eaten with Sangak bread. In Kermanshah, this food is made with lamb meat, barley and beans and eaten with Taftoon bread. In Yazd, this food is made with lamb meat, rice and barberry and eaten with Sangak bread. You can also find other variations of Abgoosht with chicken, fish, turkey, vegetables or fruits.
  • How to make this food at home? To make this food at home, you need a large pot or a Dizi pot. You also need lamb meat, beans, potatoes, onions and special spices. You can follow these steps to make Abgoosht:
  1. Cut the lamb meat into small pieces and wash them with water and vinegar.
  2. Soak the beans in cold water overnight to soften them.
  3. Peel and chop the potatoes and onions.
  4. Add the meat, beans, potatoes, onions, turmeric, pepper, salt and saffron to the pot and cover them with water.
  5. Cook the pot over medium heat for about 3 hours or until the meat and beans are tender.
  6. Serve the Abgoosht hot and enjoy it with bread and herbs.
Abgoosht is a delicious Iranian food
Abgoosht is a delicious Iranian food

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