Iranian kebabs: 4 of the most famous and best kebabs in Iran

Kebab is one of the most popular and famous Iranian dishes that is made from minced or chopped meat that is cooked over fire or flame. Iranian kebabs are famous all over the world for their taste, smell, color, and special traditions. Iranian kebabs are divided into several types, some of which are introduced below.

  • Kebab kobideh: This kebab is made from minced lamb, beef, or chicken that is mixed well with onion, salt, and pepper and pressed on thin skewers. Then it is cooked over fire or flame and served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt, and sumac. Kebab kobideh is one of the simplest and most economical Iranian kebabs that can be found everywhere.
Kobideh kebab is one of the most popular Iranian food and kebabs

  • Kebab Barg: This kebab is made from lamb or beef that is cut into larger pieces than kebab kobideh and flavored with onion, saffron, salt, and pepper. Then it is pressed on longer skewers and cooked over fire or flame. Kebab barg is served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt and sumac. Kebab Bar is one of the most delicious and popular Iranian kebabs found in restaurants and famous kebab houses.
Barg kebab is a very delicious and delicious food
  • Joojeh kebab: This kebab is made from chicken that is cut into smaller pieces and flavored with saffron, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Then it is pressed on smaller skewers and cooked over fire or flame. Joojeh kebab is served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt and sumac. Joojeh kebab is one of the lightest and tastiest Iranian kebabs that is suitable for those who do not like to eat red meat.
Joojeh kebab is a delicious dish for traveling in the north of Iran
  • Kebab shishlik: This kebab is made from lamb that is cut into larger pieces and flavored with onion, salt and pepper. Then it is pressed on longer skewers and cooked over fire or flame. Kebab shishlik is served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt and sumac. Kebab shishlik is one of the oldest and most traditional Iranian kebabs that is cooked more in rural and mountainous areas.
Shishlik kebab is an expensive and very tasty Iranian kebab
  • Kebab chenjeh: This kebab is made from lamb or beef that is cut into smaller pieces and flavored with onion, saffron, salt, and pepper. Then it is pressed on smaller skewers and cooked over fire or flame. Kebab chenjeh is served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt, and sumac. Kebab chenjeh is one of the spiciest and sharpest Iranian kebabs that is suitable for those who like to eat tender and colorful meat. This article has only introduced some of the Iranian kebabs and there are still many other kebabs such as pan kebab, fish kebab, eggplant kebab, and … that each have their characteristics and methods of preparation. I hope this article was useful and interesting for you and if you had the opportunity, be sure to taste the delicious Iranian kebabs. 😋
Chanjeh kebab is royal and very delicious

Frequently Asked Questions(Iranian kebabs)

  • Question: What are the benefits of kebab for health?
  • Answer: Kebab is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and selenium which are beneficial for the health of muscles, bones, blood, immunity, and brain. Also, kebab is served with herbs, onion, vinegar, and yogurt that contain fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and probiotics that are beneficial for the health of the intestines, skin, eyes, and heart. However, it should be noted that excessive consumption of kebabs may lead to increased cholesterol, blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, kebab consumption should be balanced and reasonable.

  • Question: What is the history of kebab?
  • Answer: Kebab is one of the oldest foods in the world and has its roots in the Middle East and Central Asia. Some historical sources indicate that the kebab was shaped about 4000 years ago in Iran and Babylon. Some others believe that kebab has existed since prehistoric times and that primitive humans used fire and sharp sticks to cook and eat animal meat. Kebab changed and diversified throughout history with the influence of different cultures and cuisines and reached many countries and regions of the world. Today, kebab is one of the national and popular foods of Iran that is served on every occasion.

  • Question: What methods are there for cooking kebabs?
  • Answer: Kebab is usually cooked over fire or flame, which is called kebab-making or kebab-cooking. This method makes the meat tender and colorful and gives it a good fire smell. But some kebabs can be cooked in a pan, oven, microwave, or kettle. These methods make the meat juicy and sweet and give it a good meat smell. Each method of cooking kebab has its advantages and disadvantages and it depends on the taste and facilities of each person to choose which method.

  • Question: What are the differences between kebabs and other similar foods?
  • Answer: Kebab is a similar food to some other foods such as shish kebab, meatball, hamburger, and … that are made from minced or chopped meat. But kebab has several differences with these foods, which are:
    • Kebab is made from pure meat and no additional ingredients such as starch, egg, bread, and … are added to it.
    • Kebab is pressed on thin and long skewers and cooked over fire or flame. But some of the similar foods are pressed on smaller and thicker skewers and cooked on a grill or barbecue.
    • Kebab is served with bread, herbs, onion, vinegar, yogurt, and sumac. But some of the similar foods are served with burger bread, sauce, salad, cheese and …

  • Question: What types of kebabs are there?
  • Answer: Kebab is divided into several types, some of which are:
    • Kebab kobideh: made from minced lamb, beef or chicken.
    • Kebab barg: made from lamb or beef that is cut into larger pieces.
    • Joojeh kebab: made from chicken that is cut into smaller pieces.
    • Kebab shishlik: made from lamb that is cut into larger pieces.
    • Kebab chenjeh: made from lamb or beef that is cut into smaller pieces.
    • Pan kebab: made from minced lamb, beef, or chicken cooked in a pan.
    • Fish kebab: made from fish meat that is pressed on smaller skewers and cooked over fire or flame.
    • Eggplant kebab: made from minced lamb, beef, or chicken mixed with chopped eggplant pressed on smaller skewers, and cooked over fire or flame.

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