Ghorme Sabzi is a very delicious Iranian stew

Hello and welcome to this article about how to make Ghormeh Sabzi, one of the most famous and popular Iranian dishes that is made from a combination of meat, fresh herbs, red beans, and dried limes. This dish has an amazing taste and aroma that is served with rice or bread.

Ghormeh Sabzi, besides being delicious, has many nutritional and medicinal properties. In this article, we will teach you how to make Ghormeh Sabzi step by step. You will also learn some tips and tricks to make your Ghormeh Sabzi more flavorful and delicious. We hope you enjoy this article and find it useful. Ghormeh Sabzi, besides being delicious, has many nutritional and medicinal properties. Some of the benefits of Ghormeh Sabzi are:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Purifying the blood
  • Preventing anemia
  • Improving liver function
  • Relieving sore throat and cough
  • Soothing intestinal and stomach pains

How to make Ghormeh Sabzi?

To make Ghormeh Sabzi, you need the following ingredients:

  • Stewing meat: 300 grams
  • Stewing herbs: 500 grams
  • Red beans: 200 grams
  • Onion: 1 piece
  • Dried limes: 2 pieces
  • Oil: 3 tablespoons
  • Turmeric, black pepper, and salt: as needed
  • Special spice for Ghormeh Sabzi: 1 teaspoon

The stewing herbs include fenugreek, parsley, cilantro, spinach, and mint. You can buy these herbs from greengrocers or wash and dry them at home. To make Ghormeh Sabzi, follow these steps:

  • First of all, soak the red beans in water overnight and change the water in the morning. This will prevent the beans from bloating and cook faster.
  • Then wash and chop the herbs well. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the herbs over low heat until they change color and become slightly bitter. This will make the herbs give their flavor to the stew and remove their bitterness.
  • In another pot, chop the onion and fry it with some oil. Then add the meat and fry it until it changes color. Then add turmeric, black pepper, salt, and special spice for Ghormeh Sabzi and stir well.
  • Now add the fried herbs, soaked beans, and dried limes to the pot of meat and cover it with 5 cups of boiling water. Reduce the heat and close the lid of the pot. Wait for about 2 to 3 hours until the meat and beans are cooked and the Ghormeh Sabzi is ready.
  • Serve Ghormeh Sabzi with rice or white bread. If you like, you can also have it with yogurt or dough.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your comments about Ghormeh Sabzi and how to make it. Do you like Ghormeh Sabzi? Do you have any experience in making it? Do you know any tips or secrets to make it taste better? Please share them with me by writing a few lines in the comments section. I am waiting for your comments. If you are interested in Iranian stews and how to prepare them, you can enter this page.🙏

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the ratio of herbs for stew? 

You should prepare the herbs for stew in a ratio that matches the number of people, the type of stew, and your taste. But generally speaking, for making a regular stew for four people, 500 grams of stewing herbs is enough. For different types of stews, the combination and ratio of different herbs may vary. For example: For Ghormeh Sabzi, the combination of herbs is: 

fenugreek, parsley, cilantro, spinach, and dill in the ratio of 40, 35, 20, 2.5, and 2.5 percent.

What is Amani Lemon and how can we make it ourselves? 

Amani Lemon is a type of dried lime that is used as a seasoning in Iranian and Middle Eastern dishes. This lime has many nutritional and medicinal properties, such as boosting the immune system, lowering blood pressure, purifying the blood, and relieving bloating and sore throat. To make Amani Lemon at home, follow these steps: Wash and dry the sour limes.

Then make some holes in their skin with a knife. Spread the limes on a tray and place them in the sun. Turn them over every day until they dry from all sides. After a few days, crush or slice the limes and put them in glass jars. Seal them tightly and keep them in a dry and dark place.

What can we eat with Ghormeh Sabzi

Ghormeh Sabzi is one of the most delicious and popular Iranian dishes that is served with rice or white bread. But you may wonder what you can eat with Ghormeh Sabzi to make it more tasty and enjoyable. Some of the options that you can combine with Ghormeh Sabzi are: 

Yogurt: Yogurt is a traditional and delicious drink that is made from fermenting milk. Yogurt has many nutritional and medicinal properties, such as improving the digestive system, lowering blood pressure, preventing infection, and relieving stress. You can drink yogurt plain or with mint, cucumber, garlic, and salt as a seasoning along with Ghormeh Sabzi. Doogh: Doogh is also a traditional and cool drink that is made from fermenting milk and water. Doogh has similar nutritional and medicinal properties as yogurt, but with the difference that doogh has a thinner and saltier texture.

You can also drink dough plain or with mint, onion slices, garlic, and salt as a seasoning along with Ghormeh Sabzi. Torshak: Torshak is a pleasant and sour seasoning that is made from drying plum balls and grinding them into powder.

Torshak has nutritional and medicinal properties, such as being a rich source of vitamin C, iron, potassium, and phosphorus, preventing scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), and improving cholesterol and heart function. You can sprinkle torshak powder with a few drops of oil as a seasoning on Ghormeh Sabzi.

Shirazi salad: Shirazi salad is a delicious and cool seasoning that is made by chopping cucumber, tomato, onion, and mint. Shirazi salad has nutritional and medicinal properties, such as being a rich source of fiber, lycopene, chromium, and vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, B9, and B12, lowering blood pressure, preventing fungal infections, boosting the immune system and protecting the skin. You can eat Shirazi salad with salt, pepper, lemon juice, and oil as a seasoning along with Ghormeh Sabzi.

Some Iranian families like to eat Ghormeh Sabzi with raw onion. This method is a personal preference and may not be suitable for everyone. Raw onion has nutritional and medicinal properties, such as being a rich source of vitamin C, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal. But raw onion may also cause some side effects such as bloating, sore throat, indigestion, and bad breath. Therefore, if you intend to eat Ghormeh Sabzi with raw onion, it is better to consume a small and balanced amount of it and accompany it with plenty of water. You can also freshen your breath by eating rose water petals, mint, or cinnamon.

Ghormeh sabzi stew is served

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